Planko's Pics

By planko

On yer bike.

I've decided I need more exercise, something that can combine blipping and exercise, which means only one thing, I'll be back on the bike. Not a fancy expensive one like some blippers I know who take it very seriously; this is a cheap thing that does what it says on the tin and can easily be replaced if it breaks without breaking the bank balance.

Mrs P got the hub tightened for me, so I'll fit it tomorrow and then head out on Friday for a test run. Guy in my work did 100 miles (up and down fairly steep ground) in 6 hours last weekend which has shamed me into getting off my arse and doing something?

Also decided to cut back down on the bread and deserts again. Already overdue for a suit & trouser refresh after having shed a bit of weight and now being on the last hole on my belts, so I must be doing something right :)

Good chat on the way into work this morning. Met Instography who sat down and had a chat after spotting the blip badge on my bag. Funny how you meet someone for the first time but know bits and pieces about them from following their blips.

What is it with the rain in Edinburgh? Every time it rains I head off to take a shot I've had in my head for some time, and each time I get there, the rain clears. Tonight was no exception. Argh. That's 3 months of trying now...

So tonight?s offering is the bike wheel.


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