Planko's Pics

By planko

I'm a fire starter, twisted fire starter

Nice blip wander at lunchtime today, up the usual route which takes in princess street gardens, the square at the galleries, up the steps, victoria street, the high street, and today down to the university & meadows then back. Got a few shots in, but spotted this guy on my way back to the office.

Stupidly i'd thought of the environment and decided to carry my lunch items rather than take a carrier bag, which made taking shots of this guy difficult.

I've noticed him a couple of times this week, at times when i havent had my camera with me, usually when i'd just popped out for a coffee or something, always standing in a pretty un-photogenic spot with his back against the amusement arcade, so it had to be a side on shot today.

Havent bothered tweaking in any way as i like the heat trails that have been captured.

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