My Photographic Footprint

By Theodora8

1916-2011...A Life Well Lived.

This beautiful woman ( who was a dear friend of mine) gave me one of those scripted cushions. It read:

Live well...
Laugh often...
Love much....

I know she lived by these rules.

Today was the day of her memorial service. It was held in a full church in the vale of Belvoir, on a perfect summer day. The sort of day she would have loved. She was a great fan of lunch in the garden, with chilled wine and lots of interesting and unexpected conversation.

I was lucky enough to have known her since I was a child. She was a mentress of huge influence, and held in great affection.
We are all going to miss her, she made us all feel very witty and clever. Her life was rich with good times, but also some deeply sad ones, but she carried them, keeping them to herself. I must remember that when I am feeling just a tad too sorry for myself, or overwhelmed by a hiccup or two.
One of the delightful things about her was her zest and youth, however many years went by. If you needed a buddy to go and see a truly scary film with, she was the one, and she was interested in the latest books, rumours, scandals, and had a deep sense of history.
She startled a couple of friends of mine who were waxing lyrical about Lady Jane Grey.
She dismissed this idea, saying: Oh no, I think she would have been an awful bore, far too involved with religion.
Roshnara was a person with faith, but not too keen on it being discussed at great length.

I will miss her observations, and individual stamp on life. It is an overused saying, but they really don't make many like her now.

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