My Photographic Footprint

By Theodora8

Wishing in The Horse's Eye.

There is a superstition that if you stand in the eye of The White Horse of Uffington and wish, whilst you turn anti-clockwise, you have a good chance of it coming true.
We only heard of this today, from our host of the weekend.

After lunch we were taken up the high high hill and both my son and our friend turned and wished. Rather to the surprise of some tourists, who did not know of the tradition.
It was the second time our friend had done it, it obviously worked the first time, as he has had a blessed life. So he decided a top up could do no harm.
I then had a wish, but it was a little general. I could not think of anything specific, despite having an hour or two to think one up.

The afternoon light shone on the two figures as they stood within the head of this truly ancient monument. I wonder how many thousands of people have stepped onto that white eye, and if any of their wishes came true.

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