All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Fun at the park

Yay - it's Thursday today! My favourite day of the week.

Ethan decided to sleep "in" till 7am which was fab, although not completely unexpected as he didn't go till bed till after 8pm last night. He was clearly worn out by his swimming class this morning though because within 10 minutes of being in the shopping centre afterwards he was sound asleep in his pushchair! We were supposed to be going straight up to Missus B's house to visit her and Lucinda but I didn't want to risk waking Ethan, so did lots of window shopping until he woke up (and hour and a half later)! I also tried on lots of dresses as I'm still looking for something to wear to 2 weddings next month and it's not easy trying things on when Ethan is awake.

Once he woke, we headed up the road and Missus B kindly gave us lunch. We then took Ethan & Lucinda out for a walk round Murieston and along the Murieston Trail. Lucinda fell asleep but Ethan was wide awake. He loved playing at the playpark we stopped at, including climbing up the slide and watching the river through the fence railings. Lucinda woke up while we were there so had some playtime too. We then headed back to their house for a cuppa and the kids played in the garden before we had to go home.

Granny, Grandpa and baby Eden were at our house when we arrived, and Foreveryoung arrived a short while later. So Ethan was very happy to see so many of his favourite people there!

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