All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Anyone for a cuppa?

It was an expensive day today. Our car was in for its MOT and we now have a £300 bill. Zoe was back at the vets for her booster and more bloods to check her thyroid condition so that was another £55. I think my budget for a new dress for the weddings which are looming has now shrunk dramatically haha!

Still, Ethan had a fun day with Granny & Grandpa. Bounce & Tickle in East Calder this morning, then Grandpa took him on his tricycle to the playpark in the afternoon. Oh and a trip round Morrisons with Granny, where he apparently started helping himself to apples when her back was turned!

He is obsessed with our mugs at the moment and always wants to hold them rather than his own plastic cups. Granny has been letting him have sips of her tea and today he kept asking for more, more, more! I'm usually quite strict about what he has to drink and only let him have water or milk. So it's weird to see him actually wanting sips of tea! Guess he's just trying to copy the grown ups and it's not something he's going to get often at this age!

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