Experience the Everyday

By worldofcherie

Some familiar faces...

My goodness, it's Thursday June 9th 2011. I've been working towards this day for sooooo long and it's finally here.

A rather extensive discussion at the wedding venue about the rain/no rain plans. We have opted to go for the safer option. Not ideal but I'd hate to see anyone catching a cold.

It was super sunny today, until the rain POURED for 30min in the afternoon.

Ultra quick lunch and then rush to meet my parents, uncle and aunt at the station. So nice to see them being relaxed even though we were 1 hour late.

The 2 families met for the first time and had dinner together (in the sacred room!), which was lovely. As expected, we were super confused with the languages. Roberto speaking in English to his family and me translating English into Italian to my family.... Everybody had a good time anyway!

Off to bed now! Sooooo excited to have friends arriving tomorrow! Sweet Ezra will be here too... I miss him so much I had to take his photo off my mobile's wallpaper. Hope his cold and fever go away soon so he can give me lots and lots of hugs tomorrow!!

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