
By blowfish


took a stroll around the new apartment complex today. i have determined that i don't really fit in here, everythingbody is too expensive. i was up late last night talking to my dad on the phone about things--he is in the 'world-famous' Aspen for a conference. we lived in Colorado for twenty years and never went up there. no desire, none of us. he finds it so laughably decadent, he called it the "playground of the rich." to a great extent, that is how i feel about our new apartment. we got a killer, low-income deal--it ended up being cheaper than our last place, which was infested with bugs and built, uncharmingly, in the 1930s. strange how things work out when businesses are looking for tax loopholes (another ironically malignant element at play here). but after i hung up with dad, i browsed Amazon for textbooks; then, in a state of Benadryl-induced dreaminess, i started looking at coveting the array of Nikon lenses. a good friend of ours is off on a trip and had to insure their camera equipment, and based on what i saw after browsing the selections on the Internets last night, must be valued at around twenty-thousand dollars. a hobby worth more than my car. i hope Leah gets home soon so we can have lunch together. then maybe a dip in the pool. after all, we're paying for it, eh?


later: we got in. (except it was far from this desolate).

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