sleeping bag

We went shopping today to get a new sleeping bag for Amelie. She usually sleeps in a Merino one that she has been in since she was 5 weeks old and will last for a good while yet but because its merino I have to do it on a woolens wash and I like to wait until the woolens have built up...and we don't have very many woolens to put on a woolens wash! So its always useful to have a spare. Well, we went to tkmaxx as I know they do some good ones quite cheaply and ended up with TWO new sleeping bags! Here is the Amster in one of her new ones.

We also got a blackout blind for her room and put it up as soon as we got back. Fingers crossed she sleeps past 5 tomorrow. Although its Daddys turn to get up so either way I'm not going to be getting up at that ungodly hour.

Yesterday after I had already blipped, we went swimming and Amelie did so well. She was jumping off the bottom step and going under but not minding at all. She was doing loads of walking around and splashing and playing, I was really impressed at the turnaround! She still wanted to get out of the pool but she would just walk to the next step bit and walk back in again. Very proud mummy!

She can also now say her name! Although she says it like 'Am-oh-nee', close enough for 15 months I think! Today she also said 'Byebye granny' when she was talking to my mum on the phone.

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