Almost done!

At 488 consecutive entries, I've almost made it to my goal of 500 Blips without a missed day. That fact, along with a fair bit of reading about various photographers, and looking at thousands of pictures on Tumblr, Flickr and in books, I feel I need to move from quantity to quality. Perhaps after my 500th Blip I will upload an image just when I have a picture I'm proud of, rather than being forced (by myself) to meet the demand of a daily Blip of something or other.
I can't really fault Blipfoto for anything (other than the annoying red dots under any non-American English spellings on a UK-based site!). I really enjoy the fantastic sense of community and friendship that it has brought. To have friends as far afield as Vietnam, Australia, Switzerland, Vermont and of course, in the UK and Ireland, is a constant source of wonder and joy, as without exception, everyone is a living treasure! Most of my inspiration currently comes from Blipfoto (along with a healthy dose of envy, and angst, as to whether my latest efforts with garner any comments, LOL).

Anyhoo, the eye was intended to signify a sense of searching and struggle - what has *actually* happened, is that I realise that I need my eyebrows trimmed :)

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