michigan man

By outdoorguy

A New Bird (I think)

I went out for a walk this morning at 9 a.m. As I was leaving...a juvenile robbin landed on top of my bird feeder. A lot of questions. Did he miss moms class telling him that he was a meat-eater? Is there such a thing as a vegetarian robin? How long before he gets that red breast? It's fun this time of year to watch them get their "wings." Last year in my yard, there was one that left the nest too early. She was struggling to even "hop" around the yard. I did'nt touch her, but I toed her over with my foot to my pine tree for a little shelter. We have some "killer" cats that are supposed to be restrained and leashed, but never are. The juvie robin took the bronze( third place) in todays Blip contest.

After 1.5 miles, I stopped to take a picture of the robins nest I've been watching. Mom was nowhere to be found. I was on a city sidewalk and pointing my camera at a guys front porch...when the guys neighbor woman came out. She was a little huffy. "WHY ARE YOU TAKING PICTURES OF MY NEIGHBORS HOUSE? I pointed to the nest. With my mailman memory half-intact...I asked..."Are you Mrs. Young? I graduated with your son. Does Gary still live here?" If I would have had any food...I would have had her eating out of my hand. From huffy to fluffy with just a few kind words. A lesson in there somewhere. The baby robins took the silver in the Blip-off.

Rounding the corner...this momma started chirping at me. With her chatter...the nest must be close. I think it's some kind of thrush. I hope it's some kind of thrush, instead of another type of sparrow. I got her first in sill-who-ette, but I did'nt know how to spell it. Niya, the needy chihauhau, is on my lap...so I could'nt go get my dictionary. Since I could'nt spell it, I won't use the picture. Not Blip rules...but my rules. This picture takes the gold.

I had fooled around for too long. I glanced at my phone and it was 10:07. Friday is my workday to watch little Merrick-man. I was supposed to be home at 10:20, and I was over a mile from home. I had to really skee-daddle to get there. Walked in the door at 10:19. Yessss! Promptness has always been one of my virtues. I HATE BEING LATE!!! I don't know why I was worried. At the price my daughter is paying me...she can't afford to fire me.

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