Merrick at the Beach

We decided to take a late night jaunt to Wendys...then to the beach at our state park. After a high of 95 7 p.m., the beach was still busy.

The little man took his sweet time getting in the water. Up to his shins at first...while trying to "borrow" some other kids beach toys. The concept of not taking what is not yours is just not quite there yet.

Then Grandpa got in the water. He took my hand, and we ventured out. Like most males...once he get out past the crotch getting wet...he was good after that. When it got too deep for him, I picked him up. He liked batting around the stand-up barrier that signals the far end of the swimming area.

The water felt good after a hot day. I wanted to join the volleyball game, but it was REAL ugly, and there's nothing worse than bad volleyball.

Merrick never stops running. The only way I could stop him was putting him on this sea gull. Put it in LARGE to see the seagull...but not to see my done-to-quick photoshop work.

Hope everybody has a great week!

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