What are you lookin' at?

This is how I feel when I am out with my camera. People looking at you...what are you doing, they say with their gaze.

I forget the blipper's name, but she shoots faces. Mostly just on the street. I am too intimidated. I wish I could just say, hey, may I take your picture. But I just struggle with that. I know it would help me in many ways. I really want to shoot faces. So many interesting looks and expressions, characteristics and shapes. It would help me with my self consciousnesses as well. Flowers are easy, they just smile at you and let you shoot away!!! I decided to try not to take as many flower shots. It is hard, I find myself draw to them. What beauty they possess. Faces are like that too...ok...that is my challenge this week. To take a photo of someone I either don't know, or don't really know, but sometimes see around. Yeeeks, am I really putting that out there? Breath!!!

Today, this horse in front of PF CHANG's (Thanks Trav, for a wonderful dinner) was looking at me. I shot him quick before I came home. Busy night...it is 10:26, I just am sitting down. Tomorrow is a volunteer community clean-up through my work. I will bring my point and shoot...maybe shoot the clean-up crew!!! :D

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