
By GloryGlory

My Subbuteo Man

This is Mr B standing on a child's see-saw in my parents back garden.
My Grandad made it about 60 year ago for his 6 kids.
It's a bit of a brilliant piece of kit.

We were at my Mum and Dads most of the day as it was my Dads Birthday and... he's home! So gravely ill he may be, and painful though it is too see him in this state it was also fantastic to see him home! He has a fleet of carers and has his home normalities and familiarities around him. in his words it's "better than good." He was awake and aware long enough for us to sing Happy Birthday to him, my Mum, the Bs and one of my brothers families. The kids singing sounded really good! My nephew Ethan blew out the candles on the cake for him. Most of the kids gave Dad a kiss and then we left him to sleep. Love that man.

Most other events of the day occurred in the garden incl. Miss B making a daisy/buttercup posy for her Papa, cousins nearly killing each other, my brother mowing the lawn and Mr B lopping a tree. Mr B looked rather striking if not serious on his podium seeking refreshment!

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