Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty


Just about sums up the weather today! The gardens needed it though and they are now beginning to look that beautiful lush green again.

Today's blip was either going to be something taken indoors or something with raindrops on it - so here it is, a geranium from one of tubs that I planted yesterday, complete with raindrops. It's bright anyway, so that should brighten your day if you've had this horrible weather too.

I haven't really done much today yet apart from cook a chicken dinner and tidy up. I've got lesson planning, cleaning and some of my photography course to do this afternoon so I need to get off here and start doing some work!

Better go...

Edit - I've changed the picture to another wet flower that is not as bright as the other one due to the negative comment I received initially. I hope you like the amended version ????

Thanks for the other positive comments, I liked the other photo but I really like the way the raindrops are glistening on this pansy - hope you agree?

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