Blip 501, welcome to the next stage

and already the trouble has started,
selective deafness, giggling when told off,
escaping into the garden half dressed in the rain,
finding the paddling pool, and deciding a drink is needed,
running back into the house at the mention of yoghurt,
to only tip it all over the floor, before smiling and saying more,
but on the plus side, random cuddles,
giving big wet sloppy kisses, and acting like a donut,
make up for the mischievous times!

A quick 501 update on the rascal!

words are slowly coming, door, bubbles, piper (hamster!)
Oh no, stuck, here go, are the main one's, luckily no swear words! (yet!)
Instead of talking she does focus more on learning, clothes go on, yes 2 legs in one trouser leg, a bra on the head, but she is trying, simple commands...fetch, are often done without a seconds thought, she loves to go out, and often grabs her coat and screams the house down till we go, mummy's fav mean trick, shove her in pushchair, let her fall asleep, grab a coffee, move push chair to different part of room, throw my coat on a chair, then put feet up, when she wakes, act all, oh fernie you missed a fantastic walk.....ahem!!!
What?!!! ha! it works!!! she thinks she has then all is good!!!

She really is everything I wanted in a daughter and more, yes she has her tantrums, and stubbon moments, just like me, so can't complain!!

thank you for all the lovely comments on yesterdays blip xx

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