All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Lost in Music

Oh dear - the early starts are back. 5.10am from Ethan today. I wonder if it's because I took one of his curtains down last night to wash, so he only had the blackout blinds, 1 normal curtain + the extra one so the room wasn't quite as dark as it has been the past few weeks. Fortunately hubbie got up with him, although I didn't manage to get back to sleep again.

By late morning Ethan was knackered so I walked to Morrisons with him. Didn't take long for him to fall asleep in the pushchair. He woke just after we got home but after 5 minutes of cuddles on the sofa with me, he fell asleep again. And slept, and slept, and slept! At about 2pm, we had to wake him as we were going over to Strathaven to drop off Take That tickets at a friends house. Ethan loved playing in her garden when we got there although I think her wee boy may have been a tad annoyed at Ethan playing with so many of his toys, lol!

We put the DVD player in the car on for him, and on the way home even tried him with the headphones! He only kept them on for a few minutes though.

He ate really well at dinner - home made macaroni cheese with peas. So much easier when I can make something all 3 of us will eat!

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