All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Choosing a card

Hubbie was doing overtime today, so Ethan woke up at 6.30am to just mummy in the house. We chilled out for a few hours before heading down to The Centre. Most of the carparks recently started charging to park there, so we parked in one of the few remaining free ones and walked along. You can only park for a maximum of 3 hours which I thought was ample time. However, I hadn't bargained for the fact Ethan would refuse to go in his pushchair and wanted to walk by himself! I was surprised at how far he walked, but not surprised at how slow our trip ended up being as a result! When I eventually got him back in the pushchair, he was so worn out, he slept in it for an hour.

We did manage to buy a dress for the upcoming weddings (I don't even know if I iike it that much but I'm so fed up looking, it was an "that will do" purchase) and a Fathers Day card.

Home for lunch and we had just finished that when Foreveryoung texted to say they were at their new house in Bathgate if we wanted to join them. So we popped along there and hubbie joined us too when he had finished his shift. Ethan loved exploring the new house, especially the built in cupboard in Eden's bedroom which is just the right height for him to open by himself!

He refused his tea though so I took him home so I could get him something else. He fell asleep in the car though and had a meltdown when I woke him up, refusing anything else to eat. He did drink all his bedtime milk though and is fast asleep now so am hoping he doesn't wake, hungry, during the night or early hours.

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