
By Juli

Oh yes, we have no bananas!

What a day!

Been up since 2.30am but still managed a mad panic to get the kids to school on time. Previous to that, discovered to my horror that I hadn't washed the 'whites' before our holiday so I had to send my son to school in a shirt that had spent the past two weeks at the bottom of the washing basket and for some strange reason smelled like Chinese take-away. Then, during my triathlon of house-cleaning, suitcase-sorting and mail-opening, not only did I discover that I'd buggered up my car insurance but also that we'd left my son's DS on the plane and I've somehow managed to lose a present my daughter bought for her friend (don't tell her, I'm sure it'll turn up?!?). THEN, sometime between Tesco's fruit section and home I managed to lose a bunch of bananas, which was annoying as they were an integral part of my new diet regime - which, as usual, will now have to start tomorrow (unless I can think up another excuse!).

Yep, things are pretty much back to normal already!


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