
By Appreciation

The Only Way Is Up

Today has been taken up with the operation on No.1 boy's back. This morning after the chldren had left there were a few signs of nerves peeping through. What do I do when? What if they? What if I? I kept patting his head and telling him it would all work out just fine.

When he was admitted this was my view for a few hours. I sat in the visitor's chair and stared through the mirror onto the bed. It seemed strange to think that he would be getting in it. I have visited so many hospitals in the last year that they have little effect on me, but this empty bed seemed odd.

It was even odder still when I returned later with the children and the bed was occupied and a drip was up and the gown was on. There he was, looking well, but vulnerable. His boy and his girl were thrilled to see him, it was like watching someone with a new baby checking for 10 fingers and 10 toes. Everything was there, as it had been when they left him this morning.

The re-assuring cuddles over the past few days have paid off and they will sleep tonight. His morphine should wear off soon, but hopefully his night will be rested and peaceful. I'm ready for bed too. Goodnight.

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