Sweet dusty-bones

By sweetdustybones

Portrait of Nana #5 - Pictures that remind me...

...Of images so familiar that they feel as if they are imprinted onto my soul.

...Of Chase the Ace with Aunts and Uncles and Cousins and Friends; the oldest Uncle at the end of the table, wrinkly and witty. "Six Wanted" He repeats in jovial Mackem tone.

...Of being allowed to stay up late to join in, with a box full of coppers and the smell of old people and tobacco, and of teenage cousins grimacing at my childish imitation of their amusing accent.

...Of crackers and party hats, of kit-kats always in the fridge.

...Of warmth and laughter and memories with a cosy sepia glow. Of Nana, being the life and soul. Ludo and invented rules that only she seems to know.

...Of family traditions with her at the heart - as the seasons change they'll continue I am sure with love, laughter and remembrance.

The framed pictures are my Mum and Dad on their wedding day, and My Aunts.

More tomorrow

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