Stone the crows!

Its only 10.30am and already I have:
Spent an hour chasing that varmit rabbit round the back garden. He is now incarcerated on the veranda where he spent the winter without incidnet apart from the time he jumped onto the table then onto the roof of the garden shed!

Then when I was having my morning cuppa it dawned on me I had left the bloody gate of the front garden open when I was trying to entice afore mentioned rabbit back in only this time I feared the Geunea pigs had got out. I rushed out to the Guinea pigs! crap! I thought they were out too and have you ever tired to catch a Guinea pig in full fight? However they were hiding in one of their many crow proof garages we have for them.

Then took doggies for their short morning plod by the canal and what happens? Dogs & I get buzzed by these two humongous angry crows. I swear its the same two I spend my time shooting water at as they swoop over the wee Guinea pigs!

These two were viscious and had a go at me and the two dogs, wouldnt like to get a peck from these beaks as this is the closest I have ever been to one and never wish to repeat the experience.

crow attack
All this before 10am! I wonder what the rest of the day will bring?

Happy bilpping all

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