
By Echo

Amazing What You Find.

Had a busy day today. Was at the local Max S shop by 9.15 this morning to print off some pictures for a friend. Home for a quick cup of coffee then off to golf in the rain. It was a team (of 3) event so did not want to let the others down. One was keen to play the other not so keen. We did go out in a light shower but thankfully after about five minutes the rain stopped and the sun broke through a few times. There was a sharp wind on a few holes but nothing like as cold as yesterday.
Back home and the cupboard sorting continued. Found this little bundle wrapped in tissue paper in a box. All I have to do now is clean it.
Went and bought a hanging rail for the hall cupboard and after much huffing and puffing it is now up. Have been meaning to do this for ages as the hooks were a nuisance.
Suddenly realised I had not blipped. It was either the silver or the hanging rail.
Thought the silver looked prettier.

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