It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab


I just LOOOOOVVVVEEEE my new special game tug! I know that I have been moaning about all this strict training for my new class but this is one of the BEST games! I get to play it after I have done a homework session. As soon as mum gets the tug toy out I follow her everywhere and jump around in circles with excitement!!

I went for my lovely long walk today with Rolo and Buttons the pugs and Lemmy the Black Labrador. It was SOOOO much fun, I loved it. Rolo and I love each other, we love to run off into the woods and sniff things out. He only has one eye but he always knows where I am and her follows me. He makes a lot of grunting and snuffling noises which I think is dead cute!

Mum took her camera phone with her but the pictures she took didn't come out all that great because we were all moving too fast, hee hee.

We had to walk across a gold course at one point so we had to go on the lead then, mum said she could just imagine me running off and stealing the golf balls. Really.....Not ME surely??!

I found some gorgeous smelling fox poo perfume to roll myself in. Mum didn't know I had done it until we got home and she could smell me indoors. Hee hee. So Yep, you guessed it, I had to have a bath! Hee hee, I do love the bath. I don't always look like I like it as my face looks really sad, but I always stand really still and let mum soap me up, then I lift each paw for her to wash. Even my back ones. The best bit is getting out and doing Zoomies to get dry!

Another piece of news is that I made spotlight AGAIN for yesterdays blip! I was amazed! I didn't think I was very exciting yesterday because I was so hot. Thank you so very much to everyone for your lovely comments. They make our day :-)

Bye for now
Lily xxx

ps I think all the chicken I am having for my training is affecting my tummy. These loud noises keep coming from my bottom and they really make me jump. I even woofed at my own bum one time, hee hee!

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