Another Buncle Original

Bit of a stressful family are all getting to that stage where they need the term to be over... they are tired & tearful.

Note home from the school about head lice so I had to do my nitty nora bit...thankfully we are clear but will do again in a couple of days again to make sure. Much wailing & nashing of teeth from the boys. Honestly, they should try being their sister with her long hair...they're a scoosh compared to checking Es!

Few words with the Es tonight, a recurring conversation that doesn't appear to be getting through:-(

Buncle kept getting out of bed after he had been tucked in. On his last visit through to me he brought me one of his drawings. This is him on the left side and another boy in his class on the right...Buncle is the good boy and the other boy is the bad boy. I was taken with the badge Buncle is's a good representation of the school badge:-)

Hopefully, tomorrow will be will for me as I am working late!

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