No time to waste?

By jt

Down with the Eiders

Great walk with my mother-in-law this morning - avoiding most of the rain - from Forvie visitor centre to the Ythan Estuary and back. Quite a long walk, starving by the end, but partly because we were taking our time and there was so much to see! Lots of beautiful wild flowers, including dozens of Northern Marsh Orchids which were spectacular.

The bird life was the highlight for me of course.... Didn't see the King Eider (though did see a flock of lesser-spotted twitchers, presumably watching that), but lots of eider all down the coast, and got very close along the estuary, where they breed. The mouth of the estuary also has a very large colony of terns - Little, Sandwich, Arctic and Common - and the tide had recently turned when we got there, so we had a wonderful view as they fished among the eider and quite a few seals. Oddly, though there are very few commen terns nesting there, all the pictures I got seem to be them!

Also saw a number of shelduck, reed buntings, skylarks (had a great photo op, except it was in the few minutes it was raining!), a pair of tufted ducks and loads of meadow pipits, plus the usual waders and cliff-nesting birds. Small heath and Dark Green Fritillary butterflies also, very beautiful!

As soon as I've got the rest of the photos uploaded I'll put a link below, so if you've got a minute, take a look. Very pleased with some of the bird & butterfly shots!

EDIT: the title is not supposed to mean that I want to abolish eiders, and the fuzzy bit on the left duck is a long blade of grass! Photos are here - sadly one of the fritillary shots and my small heath refused to upload

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