
By Appreciation

Sharing the Love

Up and out today to pound the streets for all of 200 yards and back. It's official he can walk again, withouth crippling pain. This can only be a splendid thing! He is so thrilled.

Friends and neighbours visited today. It was very thoughtful and kind of them. Some brought themselves, others brought magazines, books, cake, a picnic lunch, and even an e-book loaded onto their own i-pod. How very thoughtful. Mostly the gifts are for No1. but some realise that Matron needs buttering up too. I love magazines at this time of year, so full of summer colour, and free gifts.

Finally, I am allowing myself to think that our summer holiday may be possible, which also leaves me in a panic. I've not dared to start any preparations yet, and with so much cake in the house, how is a girl to get that bikini toned tummy and those honed athletic thighs?

Perhaps this year I shall just have to go with the stressed out body and shimmering nude lipstick from the magazine!

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