A Burst of Colour

Busy day working from home, managed to tie up some loose ends. After work it was into town for a visit to the hairdresser and the sun was still shining - result! I really hate going to the hairdressers, its such a long boring process, though thankfully today I got the nice young man which tends to break up the monotony.

I popped round to Tesco to pick up some necessary supplies for the "do" on saturday night and as I parked, I rolled up the window. There was a pinging noise and the window failed to close. The beast of satan strikes again! Managed to manually haul it half way up and drove home with the wind hurtling through my expensively styled head. I should have said "yes" when the nice young man asked if I wanted any spray :)

Mr Lif has managed to get it all the way up but it means a trip to the garage to get it sorted. Damn

As the sun was out it had to be another lovely flower. I know some people just loooooooove them (not!) This one has only been cropped within an inch of its life a bit, but the colour and form are just as they came. I think the colours are fab

Nearly the weekend :)

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