
By Croz

Mr Snowman

There was just enough snow for me to build Poppy her first snowman.. She loved it but was a little unsure of his dodgy barnet.. I'm sure I heard her say; "You need to put a lot of conditioner on to rescue this bad hair situation and the green dye is not working with your pale complexion."

Then again I may have merely imagined that part ...What I definitely did not imagine..

is the sorry fact that my seventh month old Macbook has died..Harddisk fried.. weird clicking noises and mystery ? mark folder has appeared when I push the on button... Fortunately nothing important has been lost.. as the good stuff is all on the Macpro and my other harddisks and at least it's still covered by the one year warranty...Back to the shop tomorrow.. Almost makes me want to go back to using pc's... 'Did I just say that out loud? very risky with Joe Blogs about..'

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