Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Tristan's Here

Tristan left Oklahoma City early this morning with his cousin Emerson. They were to be on a eight o'clock plane. We learned just moments after take-off that they had missed their clock's early morning alarm and, therefore, gotten to the airport late and missed their plane. Thankfully they were to be flying with Southwest Airlines and the clerk made a quick change in plans for them with no added fees and within an hour they were on another plane.

The later plane, though, meant that they'd have a several hour layover in Las Vegas, which is not such a good event with a 4-year-old, but they survived and arrived at the airport here at 2:35 and we were there to greet them.

We arrived home and honestly the 3 pooches thought we had brought home a toy for them. They love Tristan. Before long we were all outside dipping our toes in the pool. When he first saw the pool, he said, "That way taller than I am!" I looked at Mr. Fun and said, "So, deep is now tall!" At poolside little Mitzi wanted to rest her chin on Tristan's back and Chloe just wanted to lick him. Max was excited too but missed getting into the photo.

From 4:00 - 6:00 Tristan rediscovered the toys he'd left here last summer and was tickled when he saw his name on the refrigerator door. He told us that those letter blocks need to go home with him for his refrigerator. He also got reacquainted with the fountain in the side yard, and he must have said, "Gramma Carol" a zillion times and if I didn't answer him immediately, he repeated the phrase. He talks non-stop and gets that trait from his Grandpa Fun.

At 6:00 p.m. we headed for Wahoo's Tacos, which is a very casual restaurant with delicious food, and there we would meet-up with the rest of the family. We were greeted by our son, Shawn, who is Tristan's grandpa. It was a very tender moment. And then cousin Ashly got her hug.

After dinner was ordered, we all listened as Ashly got Tristan to count numbers and then he sang the alphabet song for us. I know all kids do it, but well you know, when the child is one of your own, and especially a great-grandson, it's pretty spectacular.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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