Our great grandson Tristan has not been blipped for quite a long time. He was five-years-old this past February. He spent most of last summer with us and then headed back to Oklahoma with his mommy. Then back in March they returned to live California again, but they are living a 4-hour drive from us, in the community of Santa Maria.
We stopped to see Tristan and his mommy, our granddaughter Desiree, during spring break as we traveled north to Monterey for a few days of vacation.
This morning Desiree sent us this photo of Tristan. Of course I think he looks adorable. She said he was pouting because he wanted her to have a pillow fight with him and she would not. Tristan has recently returned to his mom after spending 4 or 5 weeks with his dad. So I am guessing that at his dad's home, he was accustomed to having pillow fights.
We would love to see Tristan more often, and we are looking forward to taking him to family camp with us mid-July on Catalina Island and we're hoping that all the details align for that to happen. Tristan has gone with us to camp the past three summers and loved every minute of being there.
The two of us arrived home at noon today from a couple nights and day at the Pacific shoreline in north San Diego County. We've had a wonderful time. Our three pooches were more than thrilled to reunite with us. Now we are all home and the evening is about to begin.
From Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
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