The new kenwood chef

My daughter got this kenwood chef for her birthday last weekend. She got it out of the box for the first time today and made some scones. They were delicious. My diet is never going to get off the ground with this machine in the house.

My son (and his spanish exchange) went to a friend's house after school today. When I went round to pick him up, there were eight boys in the house (and their Spanish exchanges). A very brave mum to have all the kids in her house. If it hadn't been for the heavy downpours, they would all have been in the park.

My son got the top mark in the Chemistry exam. I was very pleased about this because the Chemistry teacher didn't have a good word to say about him at the parents' evening.

The eldest daughter and her friends have just got back from guides. They are very, very hyper (and one of them is staying the night).

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