I'm The Type of Guy, Gives a Girl the Eye

Today, when I was cycling in to work, another cyclist joined the Bike Route half way along the third third.

He was all lycra'd up, and had Hi-Vis Yellow on. But no helmet.

I spun past him (i spin now I go so fast), and shot round the corner. The corner led to my horribliest hill, one which I cajoul myself up. As I neared the top of the hill, and prepared for my victory yelp, Big Banana Lanky Long Legs skimmed past me and went "heh heh", and shot down the resulting hill in front of me.

Now, maybe he was laughing also at the joy of having managed this hill, but I seriously think that he was laughing at my encouraging my butt up the hill without stopping, and that isn't nice.

So you listen to me Matey Long Legs, skinny link freak.

You might be super fit, and be in your early 30's and so skinny there isn't a spare ounce of flesh on you; But I'm nearer 50, I've had 2 babies, but there is no mistaking me for a woman!! and a woman with a sense of humour and a desire to better myself.

You will always be an arse!

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