Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Tub-side Entertainment

Tristan had no idea how entertaining he was going to be when he stepped into the dry bathtub in his underpants, (I should add "Spiderman" underpants), in our master bathroom this morning with the tennis ball that belongs to the pooches. Max, Chloe, and Mitzi were mesmerized as they watched him roll the ball around the tub. Honestly, they think Tristan is their newest toy.

I was on the other side of the bathroom putting on my make-up and fixing my hair when I realized that Tristan was chattering away, so I nonchalantly stepped so I could view what was happening and then slid my camera from my pocket and captured this moment. Not the best of photo, but a moment that I will now remember forever. I could see the pups wanted desperately to get into the tub, but they are quite cautious because a couple months ago, Mitizi slipped over the side and into the dry tub and then couldn't get out because the sides are steep and slippery.

Most of the afternoon was spent on the backyard patio and in the pool. Grandpa Fun and Tristan sat in the spa for a couple hours and I served lunch poolside for them. We dined on PB & J sandwiches that I had cut into quarters, and we also had Cheez-it crackers, Jello with fruit, and containers of Juicy-Juice. Tristan thought it was all quite grand. Even though PB & J is not on Grandpa Fun's diet, we ate them anyway.

Other ridiculously funny things that Tristan did today: he stepped inside of the clotheshamper pulled the lid closed and told me it was his disguise. He got inside Chloe's crate with her this afternoon because he wanted to take a nap with her. She thought it was great fun.

Tomorrow's agenda includes getting our suitcases packed so we can exit here Sunday afternoon for Catalina Island and Campus By the Sea in Gallagher's Cove for a week of family camp.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. Thank you for all the comments. It is such a thrill to have Tristan here. Many of you remember the ache in our hearts 2-years-ago when Tristan and his mommy, Desiree, moved from here to Oklahoma.

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