Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat


First full day with my new camera. You'd think I'd be out playing with it, testing out all the lovely new features, learning the changes from the last model. But no... I'm stuck inside, battling with statistical analysis for my uni assignment. I get biodiversity, I understand climate change, I almost get what I'll need to do to build my website for the final project. What I don't get though is coefficient correlation, lines of regression, r-values, t-values, variability and uncertainty and all that other statistical nonsense.

Ah well, by 12 noon tomorrow it will be handed in and out of the way and I get the reward of going to Serpentus Exotics to look at lovely little critters (and pick up some more snake food).

Podiatrist is booked for wednesday morning so I'm on a walking ban until then.

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