Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

29th November 2011

I've been having issues with my wardrobe for a while now. It is full of clothes that I can't wear because they're too small for me and it's badly organised because the people who built it must have been giant (or male) and I can't reach to put things away properly in the high cubby holes. This evening I decided to begin my assualt on it.

I had hoped that my marathon training would help me lose a bit of weight and I would fit in to my skinny clothes again. Unfortunately, this year, this was not the case. So I have packed all the clothes that don't fit me away in to a suitcase. I'm giving myself until November with extra exercise, eating healthily and better portion control. If by then, I still don't fit them, I will resign myself to the fact that I may never fit them. I will donate the clothes to charity, buy myself some new ones and learn to love my new shape whilst keeping up my healthy lifestyle. I may never have the figure of a 21 year old again, but if I do one day lose the weight and regain that figure then I can treat myself to new clothes!

I chose November as any later than that and we're in to the festive weight gain season. I was in decisive on the exact date in November to reassess the suitcase so I left it to fate, wrote all the numbers down and drew one at random. The 29th is a Tuesday, this is good as The Boy won't be working so he can give me moral support.

In new camera news:

The fz28 was awkward when you wanted to use the flash for macro. The little on camera flash did not pop up high enough to light far enough past the end of the lens. The fz45 has an even longer lens and the same little flash. I think I may have to invest in a spot light (or a proper bedside light and use that spotlight) for close up work.

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