Yes, another bird, sorry, but this is no relax on the beach and read a book holiday, When did I ever have one of those? When did I last pick up my book? Er .... a week ago.

So today we nipped just up the road to look for the Roller, and stood in the drizzle which then became heavy rain, with a few other hopeful birders. No Roller, but I found that my old waterproof jacket which I have recently shrunk back into, still does its job and I won't need to replace it.

After a few hours we drove up to Balamory Tobermory for some shopping, and found the town Peregrine on the church spire, deciding which Pigeon to have for lunch.

Bumped into Frisa the Border Terrier who we met on the ferry over, this time wearing a very fetching tartan neckerchief. Then it was back to the Roller hunt, but again no luck. It must have looked at the weather forecast and flown.

But the continuing rain meant I at least had time back at the cottage and could look at my photographs of the holiday so far, and have managed to back-blip up to date, though the connection is, in birding terms, elusive.

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