Waiting for Jonny

By yearofhappy

Deep Breaths and Count to Three


This is how it is

I have taken a cloud shot that I absolutely love today and I have fought with myself for 7 hours not to post it.

I have gone for something completely different just, well I don't know why, just to prove to myself that I can break my addiction.

I am sitting here, calming myself down, reassuring myself that all will be ok, the cloud photo still exists , it is there safe on my hard drive, nestled in between cloud shot 6 of the day and cloud shot 8. No cloud burglars are going to come and steal it. I have full cloud insurance cover anyway just incase a thief did come along. Honestly everything is ok Rachel. All that has happened is you have not put it on Blip...

And breathe...

So this is a shot on the train today. We went to Leeds to see one of my good friends Michelle. Lovely to get the train when I have to have the car all week for work. I just messed around with the camera whilst the train was moving. No idea what I was hoping to achieve ( I mean with the camera , not in life in general ) . I just like the bluriness and nothingness of the shot..it's not as good as the cloud shot though....

Had a meander around Leeds ( nice and warm and there were some nice clouds apparently... ) and had lunch in an Italian wherein the staff were having blazing rows, not once but about three times. I think we have paid extra for this frisson of excitement, but it was entertaining ( I don't get out much so maybe my definition of entertaining is different to yours!). Waterstone's after that, bought a new Mill Millington book ( the funniest most sarcastic man on the planet ).

Quick turn around at home and then we were out at a party this evening. Remarkably sedate and no alcohol.

Home now and ready to curl up with my book and my hot chocolate.

That's show business!

Hope the weekend is good for you all.

PS it was a particularly GOOD cloud shot.. will this blip last until the morning without me giving in to temptation and replacing it!

PPS thanks for all your support re the MP issue, the letter to DC is complete, I just need to print it off at work on Monday and then it's going off to Downing Street

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