The Silver Dancers

" Too many people miss the silver lining because they are expecting gold "

Maurice Setter

Just fresh off the phone to an old school friend where we had a really long chat about life and love and the universe and destiny. About optimism versus pessimism. About age versus youth . About calm versus unpredictability. About political sanity versus political madness.

Talking to her always puts me at ease. Not in a navel gazing, yoghurt knitting way; more a " god you talk so much bloody common sense woman " way.

We both concluded that all we really have is today and don't yearn for the past or worry about the future as we may miss what is right under our noses. ( Although in my case it's probably some salad dressing smeared on from tea time... )

So this Blip and this song are for you Karen. I like you


UPDATE: Here is my cloudy shot for Spartan

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