I spy with my little eye

By roaminaround

A Moment....

We have had a weekend away at the Maidens. It does not matter what the weather is like when we are down there. We come equipped for every condition and we saw very little sun but it does not spoil the fun we have.
The usual sporting, puffing up of chest takes place between father and son and this was one of those challenges, the run along the beach.
Adrenaline pumping in both of them, they are off...... only to return seconds later with another challenge....they are both as mad as each other!
Today was one of those moments though.....Lord of the Manor won the race (Check the grin!), but I have a feeling it will be the last year that he will wear the crown as it was a very close thing!!!
A lovely evening meal with S, D J, K, K, N, Lord of the Manor, Eldest and the Youngest at Souter Johnnies, with the last celebration of S's 70th birthday.
A good day :)

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