I spy with my little eye

By roaminaround

Picture of poppies

Last day at the Maidens before we head back to old clothes and porridge :( Never mind the last week of school before the holidays start!!! :))))
We have been rock pooling, playing football, walking on the beach, The boys have played cricket, footie, rugby.....all in the rain!!
There is still some colour to be found in this dreich weather though, these are the poppies that pop up in the wheat field at the side of the house. It was great to see so many large bumble bees (or fuzzy bums as I believe they may be called in some parts of the country), making the most of these wee flowers and it reminded me of how we have moved so far away from traditional farming, with its mixed fields and hedgerows that provide the variety of flowers for the insects to do their stuff. Instead we now have uniform fields with crops planted to the electric fencing.....progress I believe they call it (or is it consumer greed!). Anyhooo..... lets reflect on the lovely poppies! :)

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