No time to waste?

By jt

Fading Beauty

As I type this, I'm not 100% sure I can actually remember what picture I've chosen.... Had four to choose from: the one I think this is (some white thing); some lupin seed pods on a lovely yellow background; some weird thing from the garden that looks like a dandelion only much hairier stem, deep orange in the petals as well as paler orange and yellow, and mutiple flowers on a stalk; and a gorgeous yellow and orange poppy.

Was playing around with aperture settings - never really touch these, let the camera do it! But thought I might experiment (this is not one of my experiments) a wee bit. This was partly motivated by the fact I have my first photography job on Wednesday....

Amusingly, given my total lack of skills in this area (or, really, any area) of photography, I'm taking photos at the prizegiving ceremony for the School of Humanities at Dundee, which follows the graduation. They want shots of the prizewinners getting their prizes, 'casual' shots of the ceremony and reception, and so on. All of this without possessing a flashgun or remote. Slightly nervous.... Thankfully xtine is giving me some tips - anyone else with any tips, feel free to chip in!

EDIT - to continue my shameless self-promotion: there are more photos from yesterday, including more (not entirely sharp) shots of fluffy wee shelduck, here. How could you resist such an offer?

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