Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Perennial Cornflower

Following being beaten up this morning...oops! did I just say, beaten up? Sorry, I'll start again....

Following my visit to the chiropractor this morning and feeling a little bit down because my back injury isn't really responding very well, I decided to drive to the nearest beach for a read of the morning paper and a quiet ramble at the back of the dunes where the going is relatively flat. What do I see but lots of things actually. The Burnett Moths are on the wing as are the Sand Martins and dotted all over the place these Cornflowers. Looking up my wildflower book a few minutes ago, I discover that the standard wild cornflower is almost extinct throughout the British Isles. I deduce therefore that these are of the perennial variety since the place was flooded with them. Beautiful little things!

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