Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Perenniel Cornflower 2

Midsummer Day. Ireland. Morning = Rain. mid-day = Sunshine & wind. Evening = Rain. Ho hum! Not a good day at all for the druids, witches, flat earthers, crystal gazers and general new agers who gathered at several ancient Celtic sites in the hope of catching a glimpse of the rising and/or setting sun. Not so much of a teensy weensy ray to be seen anywhere although I did see a guy a few minutes ago on the TV news who swears a girl flew about magically in a graveyard adjacent to a place of ancient ritual.

I shot a few possible blips during the spell between the rains but have ditched them in favour of another Cornflower. This one shot indoors this morning. I just happen to like it, so here you go.

Was that a pig I just saw flying past the lounge window???

No, I should have known. Pigs don't fly. It was only our local unicorn!

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