Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11

Up, Up, & Away, Away

So my inspiration for this Blip Blog comes from one of my absolute best friends from school, Jilly. Even though I didn't know she existed until about mid-November (and she was my neighbor), I love her to the ends of the earth now.

All the late night Cab binges and the midnight dance parties are what make me love, yet yearn for freshman year. One thing we absolutely love about Jilly is her zany and unique qualities. Everyone's parents call them special, but this girl, she's about as special as they come. (In a good way of course :))

One of her defining features is definitely her bird calling. And no, she does not actually call birds, she caws like a bird. Most people would think it's weird right off the bat, but people meow all the time, why can't she caw?

It's that noise that I miss so much. When I sit up late at night I long to hear just a whisper of that sound.

Jilly was the one to introduce me to Blipfoto. She just posted her 730th Blip the other day. I have many a times been the star of her Blips and hope to be in many more come the Fall.

I miss her and love her more than words can say. My little Jilly bird has flown away.

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