Step Cautiously

By alixmarie11


My mother and I work for the same company. So every morning we drive to work together (some mornings are more plesant than others to say the least). Every morning I bring along a little breakfast delight so I'm not completely famished by the time lunch rolls around.

Well this morning my breakfast took a tumble. I had made 2 English Muffin halves coated with a bit of peanut butter. Attempting to balance that, my purse, my camera, and my lunch as I was finagling my way into the car, I unfortunately lost my breakfast.

So now my two halves turned to one very lonely half. :(

All I could think as I saw my breakfast falling toward the groud was "fluffernutter!"; a sometimes delectable treat kids beg for at the kitchen table comprised of fluff and peanut butter; OR a replacement word for the more vulgar and grotesque vinacular used far too often in these sophisticated times.

So as I sit here, nearing the end of my break, I wonder how many more times today my peanut butter will end up on my shoe.

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