Life with our boys

By Lifewithourboys

New Ventures and Decisions to Make

What you see here is the backyard of the home my husband spent the first few years of his life tromping around. From the picture you can see it's quite overgrown and needs some TLC as does the home which sits on this property.

My husbands parents bought this home back in 1972 and although they have not lived in it for many many years they held on to it while grandparents lived in it and later my brother in law. The plan was for my brother in law to purchase the home however after some unfortunate (for him) turns of events, he up and left the house leaving it unoccupied and in need of repairs. It's been disheartening for my husband to see how it's been neglected the past several years and many many times he has said "if only it were ours, the things I could do with it". Two days ago out of no where we were approached by my inlaws asking if we would be interested in buying it from them as an investment, to use as a rental home. It's a risk we would be taking, one that could tie us down and cause additional stress in our lives. There's a lot to for us to think about before taking a venture like this.

I made a trip over today to walk the lot and go through the inside of the house. There is a lot of updating and repairs to be made. Certainly a project thats going to take some time and hardwork. We shall see what I mentioned it's a lot to think about before committing to such a thing.

Decisions, decisions!!

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