All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Well it was a damp and miserable day today but we all still had a decent day!

Ethan started the day with a "lie-in" till 6.50am. Funny to think I now consider that unearthly hour a lie-in! He cried again when I dropped him at nursery, but the staff in the Tweenie room assured me he settled within minutes of me leaving yesterday and were sure he'd be the same today (he was)! In fact yesterday, once I'd left, he refused cuddles with them and apparently made his way to the table and started doing a jigsaw!

Busy day at work but it went quickly so that was good. And I'm now off till Friday, which is even better!

I picked up Ethan from nursery this evening so hubbie could do a few errands after work. And he has been such a happy wee boy this evening. He ate all his dinner, and sat really nicely in his high chair (he usually gets ratty half way through his meals and wants down). We then had playtime before bath and he played for ages with his fairground toy. We're getting a lot of mileage from it as he was playing with it back last year!. The main difference now is he puts all the balls in the slot at the top in rapid succession with no help from us. Bathtime was a big success this evening too. So wonderful to have no tired tears and tantrums from his this evening (apart from 10 minutes when we put him to bed).

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