A viewing

So, you know our house is up for sale so we can move north! Well after the first sale fell through and then was followed by weeks of nothing... well yesterday I got a call around 5pm to say there was a viewing booked for 9am this morning. So last night hubby and I did a huge tidy and clean inside and outside the house. At 9.30pm last night we headed out to Tesco and bought some flowers to liven up the kitchen.

So the viewing happened and although the prospective buyers said they liked our house, it was one of 14 houses they are viewing over a few days!!!!! Let's hope we make the short list and that ours is the one that they want! (queue a song from Grease the musical)!

So besides the viewing, there is the small matter of me going and winning the Monthly Stableford Comp. I scored three gross birdies!!!!

Anyway, sat here wondering what to blip, I thought you might as well see the flowers!

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