Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra


It took us about 45 minutes to find the restaurant where we were supposed to have dinner. When we found it, it was closing but they gave us packed boxes of food which we had while sitting in front of the restaurant, on the footpath :)

Before leaving, I took the image of the lunar eclipse which was still going on. At about 6:00 am we reached the outskirts of Abbotabad where our bus broke down and we had to travel in a dirty local bus till Mansehra which is about an hour away from Abbotabad. The students with us were so excited that almost all the boys climbed on the roof of the bus and stayed there for the one hour journey. We stopped for breakfast at Mansehra where two coasters were waiting to take us to Naran, our destination.

After our breakfast we headed towards Naran which is a 6 hour ride from Mansehra. We stopped near Balakot (the gateway of the Kaghan Valley) on the banks of the Kunhar River (the backbone of the Kaghan Valley). We reached our hotel at about 3:30pm. I had tea and after that, I decided to rest for a while. I ended up sleeping the whole night, only to get up at 6:00 am next morning.

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